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Redakteur Rezension · 27. November 2023

EDDA Cafe: Ein visuelles Roman-Spiel, das Trauer erforscht

EDDA Cafe is a visual novel game that delves into the theme of grief, presenting it through a unique time-travel narrative. With its strong anime aesthetic, the game offers a moving experience rather than action-packed gameplay.

In EDDA Cafe, players can download and play the game for free. The independent development team behind the game has chosen to make it a "name your own price" game, allowing players to contribute and support the small independent creator. There are no in-app purchases or donations available.

The visual design of EDDA Cafe resembles a softer version of Doki Doki Literature Club and shares similarities with Mojiken Studio's "When The Past Was Around" and Butterfly Soup. The game's well-realized characters are set against colorful backgrounds, creating an engaging visual experience.

While the story may be short for fast readers, the game's professionally drawn visuals and the unique time-shifting story mechanic make it an enjoyable experience. However, it should be noted that the theme of grief may not resonate with everyone, and the humor in the game tends to be mild and safe.

Overall, EDDA Cafe offers an engaging and saddening story, expertly drawn anime characters and backgrounds, and tonal changes that are visualized through changes in color palette. It would benefit from a re-cap mode for players who don't complete it in one session and may not appeal to those who have not experienced loss.

Vergrößertes Bild für EDDA Cafe
EDDA Cafe 0/1

Technische Daten

EDDA Cafe 0.5 für Mac
Mac OS X
Verfügbare Sprachen
Letztes Update

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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