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Redakteur Rezension · 13. August 2021

If you have taken lots of time downloading music files to listen to on your PC, you should’t have to spend the same time transferring those files to another medium, so that you can listen to them in your car or on your cd player in the garage! Fortunately it is easy to make custom CDs with Gilisoft MP3 CD Maker.

Gilisoft MP3 CD Maker lets you make custom CD’s that you burn yourself from your own collection of supported audio files. So, whether you want to burn your favorite .MP3 playlists, or juts replace your damaged CD collection, Gilisoft MP3 CD Maker is a great app that is really easy to get to grips with.

Key Features include:

  • Create Audio CDs from your favorite music.
  • Make MP3 CD/DVD from popular music formats.
  • Burn WMA CD/DVD from popular audio and video format files.
  • Enjoy audio in your portable CD player or car CD player.
  • Supports high speed writing.
  • Easy to use intuitive interface.

GiliSoft MP3 CD Maker supports a plethora of audio and video formatted files including .MP3, .WMA, .WAV, .AAC, .FLAC, .OGG, .APE, .AVI, .MPEG, .WMV, .MP4, .FLV, .MKV, .H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, and .AVCHD. With GiliSoft MP3 CD Maker, you can create Audio CDs. .MP3 CD/DVDs or WMA CD/DVDs. It also supports Audio ISO/Bin/APE Image Files as well.

Not only does GiliSoft MP3 CD Maker support an array of formats, it also has some good functionality too. For instance, when making multiple copies of files, you can configure the number of copies that you need and then burn multiple copies of the same Audio CD, without encoding them each time.

Overall, GiliSoft MP3 CD Maker is a very useful app, which is extremely functional. You can create all manner of optical media from all sorts of supported formats. It is relatively lightweight, easy to use and has a standard interface that can be navigated by users of all levels of expertise, from novice to expert.

Vergrößertes Bild für Gilisoft MP3 CD Maker
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Technische Daten

Gilisoft MP3 CD Maker für Windows
Windows 7
Verfügbare Sprachen
Letztes Update
GiliSoft International LLC.

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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