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Redakteur Rezension · 7. Juni 2024

Faberlic: Eine praktische Einkaufs-App

Faberlic is a free lifestyle app available for Android devices developed by Faberlic. It is designed to make shopping for their products more convenient for customers. With this app, users can easily browse through the company's catalog, stay updated with their latest offers, and place orders at any time and from anywhere.

One of the most notable features of the app is its fast and easy checkout process. Customers can quickly complete their orders and payments without any hassle. Additionally, the app provides users with comprehensive information about each product, including its price, ingredients, and usage instructions.

The app also includes a "Favorites" section where users can save their preferred products for quick access. Moreover, the app has a search function that allows users to find products easily by category.

Overall, Faberlic is a useful app for anyone who wants to shop conveniently for Faberlic's products. Download it now on your Android device and enjoy its many benefits.

Vergrößertes Bild für Faberlic
Faberlic 0/1

Technische Daten

Faberlic r4.1.0.668 für Android
Android 13.0
Letztes Update

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


Wir haben noch keine Changelog-Information von der Version R4.1.0.668 von Faberlic. Manche Entwickler teilen diese Information etwas später. Schauen Sie bitte in ein paar Tagen noch einmal vorbei.

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