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Redakteur Rezension · 7. März 2024

Aktivitätsmanager: Versteckter Aktivitätsstarter

Activity Manager: Hidden activity launcher is a free utility application by developer André de Sousa that can be used to create launch shortcuts for hidden activities, processes, or settings. Like Activity Launcher, it can work with virtually any app, whether it be user-installed or part of the core mobile OS system.

Upon opening the Activity Manager: Hidden activity launcher app, you can directly proceed to the Activity List, which will display both user and system applications, and their corresponding processes and settings. From there you choose the Create Shortcut option or open them directly via the Launch Activity prompt. If you opt for the former, you can set a custom name and icon for your launch shortcut to make it easier to identify and distinguish from others on your home screen. The app hasn't been updated in some time though and doesn't work with newer versions of Android.

If you're looking for a way to create launch shortcuts for hidden settings and processes, Activity Manager: Hidden activity launcher can help you out. It's easy to use, pretty much works with any app, and you can do some customizations with it. Try it out and see for yourself.

Vergrößertes Bild für Activity Manager: Hidden …
Activity Manager: Hidden activity launcher 0/1

Technische Daten

Activity Manager: Hidden activity launcher 3.0.3 für Android
Android 13.0
Verfügbare Sprachen
Letztes Update
André de Sousa

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


Wir haben noch keine Changelog-Information von der Version 3.0.3 von Activity Manager: Hidden activity launcher. Manche Entwickler teilen diese Information etwas später. Schauen Sie bitte in ein paar Tagen noch einmal vorbei.

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