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Redakteur Rezension · 4. Juni 2023

Codenvy's on-demand developer workspaces are replicable, collaborative and constraint-free*. These workspaces improve workflow and automate developer bootstrapping in order to supercharge the agile ethos. The pre-built environments support almost every language and stack, and it can be run behind your firewall. It can be connected to your systems and projects, in order to remove configuration maintenance from development. Codenvy can be deployed to your own datacenter or any cloud service you choose.

Developer BootstrappingDevelopers spend on average >30% of their time managing workspaces. Organizations with high attrition, rotating contractors, and restricted systems face additional hurdles. Codenvy replaces wikis and manual methods with a single URL, which allows any authorized user to gain instant edit/build/debug access to a software project without installing any software at all.

Agile DevelopmentDevelopers only usually receive feedback after their code is merged. This unfortunately creates badly timed feedback loops, which waste cycles and violate the original premise of the agile development philosophy. Codenvy workspaces enable real time feedback, driven by the developer, which shorten development cycles.

Workspace ManagementUsually, de-centralized workspaces lack security controls, code chain of custody tracking, and thrash local computers. By using Codenvy, source code is never downloaded to user devices; all access is tracked and execution of workspaces occurs in an elastic cluster, which doesn't thrash or block under load.

Key FeaturesCodenvy's key features include the ability to develop with any language for any platform. There is a guaranteed consistency across developers and machines. With Codenvy you can create a private cloud behind your firewall. It has a powerful editor equipped with intellisense and refactoring. You can use your desktop IDE over SSH with portable workspaces. Codenvy gives you complete customizability of environment, IDE and workflow. You can use docker machines to run any environment for build or debug. Recipes allow you to define any environment and provision replicas. You can also administer restrictions to code, keys, plug-ins & resources.

IntegrationsCodenvy integrates with the following apps and services: Microsoft Azure, JIRA Software, GitHub, and Microsoft Visual Studio Online.

Supported devices and platforms include Linux, Mac, Windows, Web-based, Windows Phone, Mobile Web App. It also has an API available for use.

PricingCodenvy uses an open source, freemium, subscription pricing model. There is a free trial available (no credit card required). All plans are on a per-user basis and depend upon the scale of the installation. Codenvy provides packages for download, managed hosting and cloud solutions.

Bottom LineUsing Codenvy, some enterprises have seen a huge (39%) increase in coding time for development teams. By utilizing Codenvy your development teams can produce smoother, more efficient feedback cycles. Codenvy can be used by SMB’s, Non Profits and large enterprises, alike.

*Codenvy is based on an open source project, Eclipse Che, and supports Java, JS, PHP, Python, and Android.

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Codenvy 0/3

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Codenvy varies-with-device für Web Apps
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Codenvy, Inc.

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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