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Redakteur Rezension · 28. November 2023

Textsoap Überprüfung

Textsoap is a powerful text scanning and searching tool that allows you to clean up text errors quickly and efficiently. Whether you're dealing with a text that has the same error throughout or need to fix formatting issues, Textsoap can save you hours of manual editing.

With Textsoap, you have the option to use its built-in editor or a plug-in inside an application. It goes beyond simple text replacement and can also help with formatting problems like erroneous bold and italic tags, as well as HTML tags. This makes it particularly useful for those who work with documents in different formats on a daily basis.

Textsoap also offers additional features such as removing extra spaces, fixing broken paragraphs, and removing email forwarding marks. However, it can sometimes select text that doesn't need changing, making it a bit challenging to use. Despite this, Textsoap is still more efficient at finding and replacing errors than manually going through the text yourself.

Overall, Textsoap is a valuable tool for anyone who frequently deals with text errors and formatting issues. It streamlines the process and saves you time, making it a worthwhile investment.

Technische Daten

Textsoap 7.3.2 für Mac
Mac OS X
Verfügbare Sprachen
Letztes Update

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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