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Redakteur Rezension · 19. Juli 2024

NetSpot for Mac is a native wireless information application for your Mac. It only takes a couple of clicks to load your plan and begin a network site survey. All you need to do is point to where you are on the map and NetSpot will begin measuring wireless signals immediately, then move around and collect Wi-Fi data. The application goves you all the data you need to analyze radio signal leakages, discover noise sources, map channel usage and locate effective access points.


  • Wireless Network Planning.
  • NetSpot is an amazing wireless survey tool for Wi-Fi planning. You can load a map, collect wireless site survey data and construct a comprehensive heatmap of your network. You can locate empty channels with no wireless networks.
  • Visualize Your Wireless Network.
  • To be efficient, your Wi-Fi network needs hotspots placed correctly and radio channels assigned in a proper way. NetSpot allows you see all dead zones without coverage and optimize hotspots' placements.
  • Troubleshoot Wireless Networks.
  • With Troubleshooting visualizations you can quickly identify connectivity and wireless interference issues. You can then find sources of excessive noise and resolve Wi-Fi configuration problems.
Vergrößertes Bild für Netspot for Mac
Netspot for Mac 0/4

Technische Daten

Netspot for Mac 4.10.3 für Mac
Mac OS X
Verfügbare Sprachen
Letztes Update

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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