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Redakteur Rezension · 23. September 2022

WinDjView is a fast, compact and powerful DjVu viewing application for the Windows platform that has a tabbed interface, continuous scrolling and advanced printing options. It uses the free DjVuLibre library to decode DjVu documents. DjVu is a web-centric format and software platform for distributing documents and images.

Key features include:

  • Tabbed document interface. Alternatively it can open each document in its own window..
  • Continuous or single page layout, with an option to group facing pages.
  • User-created bookmarks and annotations.
  • Thumbnails with adjustable size.
  • Contents and hyperlinks.
  • Advanced printing.
  • Full screen mode.
  • Magnifying glass and marquee zoom.
  • Export pages (or a section of a page) to bmp, png, gif, tif and jpg.
  • Rotate pages by 90 degrees.
  • Zoom to page, page width, 100% or custom zoom.
  • Brightness, contrast and gamma adjustment.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for scrolling and navigation.
  • If requested, associates with DjVu files in Explorer.
  • Supports dictionaries that translate words under mouse pointer*.
  • Text searching and copying*.
  • Multiple Language Support**.

Overall, WinDJView is a fast and powerful DjVu viewer. It has lots of useful features and a clean interface that is easy to navigate and users of all levels of expertise.

*These features only work on documents with a built-in text layer.

**Interface languages: English, Russian (for older versions: also Ukrainian, Greek, Hungarian, French, Portuguese, Chinese Simplified, Tatarish). To install, download the corresponding language dll into the installation folder and restart the application.

Vergrößertes Bild für WinDjView
WinDjView 0/6

Technische Daten

WinDjView 2.1 für Windows
  • Windows 98 SE
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 98
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 2003
  • Windows ME
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows 8
  • Windows NT
Verfügbare Sprachen
  • Englisch
  • Russisch
Letztes Update

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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