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Redakteur Rezension · 24. Mai 2017

PC Cleaner Perfect is a powerful PC Optimization utility for Windows based computers.

Just like cars, age and mileage can take their toll on computers. All vehicles need an oil change from time to time to keep them running properly. By the same token, so do computers. But cleaning and optimizing computer systems is one of the most overlooked maintenance tasks by most computer owners.

And to be sure, there are no shortage of cleaner apps out there to download to help keep our computers up and running.Cleaner Perfect is one cleaner that is worth downloading. The download and install is small and easy. The interface is simple and intuitive to use, but also looks good. Crucially, Cleaner Perfect does a good job removing and fixing all the junk and problem issues on your computer.

Cleaner Perfect performs multiple cleaning and optimizing tasks for your computer. Each task can be performed individually or all run at once, whichever you prefer.

It identifies registry and system errors and does a good job at fixing the system errors it finds during its searches. Some of the core highlights Cleaner Perfect can perform include fixing corrupted files, memory issues, startup errors, windows log errors, browser add-on errors, and system errors, and all at the same time.

At the core of Cleaner Perfect are some advanced and powerful tools such as a Disk Cleaner, Windows Log Cleaner, Startup Cleaner, and a Disk Defragmenter.

All Cleaner Perfect’s tools are self-explanatory and neatly organized. Once launched, the automatic scan does a good job of searching your computer for issues, and the resultant results page gives a comprehensive list of the potential problems on your machine, and can fix a lot of them with next to no input from yourself.

Key Features:

  • Powerful in-depth cleaner.
  • Disk Defragmenter.
  • Start-up cleaner.
  • Deletes temporary files.
  • Cleans browser add ons.
  • Clear internet history.
  • Windows log cleaner.
  • Fixes corrupt files.
  • Automatic all in one cleaning and optimization features.

Overall, Cleaner Perfect is a novice friendly tool that offers you everything you could expect and want from software in this category. It’s easy and straightforward to use, and works fast and efficiently and will help to extend the useful serviceable life of your PC.

Vergrößertes Bild für PC Cleaner Perfect
PC Cleaner Perfect 0/1

Technische Daten

PC Cleaner Perfect für Windows
  • Windows 98
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 2003
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 10
Verfügbare Sprachen
  • Deutsch
  • Englisch
  • Spanisch
  • Französisch
  • Italienisch
  • Japanisch
  • Polnisch
  • Chinesisch
Letztes Update
TekPC Solutions

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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