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Redakteur Rezension · 23. März 2021

Photo Calendar Creator from AMS Software Suite comes with a wealth of top features. The new version allows the user access to more than 40 new design templates, including spiral-bound calendars for the wall.

With this program you will be able to stay on top of key dates. It boasts a holiday database up to 2024 too. This award-winning software essentially gives you access to the fast and easy creation of beautiful photo calendars, for any year or month.

Key features include:
  • Create beautiful photo calendars.
  • More than 40 new design templates.
  • Great usability.
  • Available in English, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, Portuguese and Czech.
  • 200 design templates overall.
  • Add text, clip art and moon phases.

Creating a calendar with Photo Calendar Creator is satisfyingly straightforward. Simply select the calendar type and style you’re after, then add photos and save the design. You can produce hundreds of calendars in a wide range of styles, from modern to classic or minimalist to elegant.

Photo Calendar Creator boasts a built-in library of original templates made by professional designers, more than 200 strong! So, you can create calendars of different types. These include; wall, desk, pocket, weekly, monthly or even lunar calendars. You can then print your design and start cracking on your more organised personal or professional life!

Don’t worry, this experience is fully customisable. You can add, delete or edit any suggested holidays and recurring events. Also, you can save special groups of holidays for each calendar – family and corporate, for example. Also, thanks to multiple undo and redo features, any small mistake can easily be put right.

Overall, you can get a lot out of Photo Calendar Creator and use it to enhance your organisation, whether that’s for business or pleasure. It comes with a comprehensive user manual and is easy to use. You can use this product for yourself, or your friends, relatives and business – there are no limits.

Vergrößertes Bild für AMS Photo Calendar Creato…
AMS Photo Calendar Creator 0/4

Technische Daten

AMS Photo Calendar Creator 15.0 für Windows
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 8
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
Verfügbare Sprachen
  • Englisch
  • Französisch
  • Deutsch
  • Spanisch
  • Italienisch
  • Niederländisch
  • Portugiesisch
  • Tschechisch
Letztes Update
AMS Software

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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