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Redakteur Rezension · 12. Juni 2024

Bazooka Panzer Schieß Sniper Spiel Bewertung

Step into a severe world war as a fighting soldier against enemies and bring back peace to the world with Bazooka Tank Shooting Sniper Game. Android Star Games have developed this action game for free, allowing players to use bazooka shooting to damage enemy army force and power. The game offers smooth controls and fantastic background graphics, making it an interesting bazooka shooting sniper game. Players can track the bazooka bullets with the bullets camera, which adds to the excitement. The game features nice graphics of trucks, cars, army jeeps, and tanks, and the FPS bazooka sniper shooting game engine is awesome.

The game is easy to play but interesting. Players need to aim at the enemy army trucks, humvee jeeps, and tanks by tilting the screen and then press the fire button to shoot and damage the enemy army force. Download and play Bazooka Tank Shooting Sniper Game for an exciting experience.

Vergrößertes Bild für Tank Shooting Sniper Game
Tank Shooting Sniper Game 0/1

Technische Daten

Tank Shooting Sniper Game 1.0 für Android
Android 9.0
Letztes Update
Android Star Games

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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