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VisDoc: Hilfe beim Kompilieren von Klassen für Java-Entwickler

VisDoc is an essential tool for any Java developer seeking to save time compiling classes. It generates HTML documentation from ActionScript 2.0, 3.0, and Java class files, making it easier for developers to understand how classes are connected. With VisDoc, there is no need to parse class files or prepare or rewrite classes.

The application links interfaces, superclasses, and their methods and properties, providing a quick overview of class connections. Additionally, VisDoc allows for customization of documentation pages with editable templates (XSL and CSS), enabling developers to have their own layout and style.

One of the standout features of VisDoc is its ability to remember all settings from the last time it was used. This means that if any classes have been changed, developers simply need to start up the application and hit the Process button. Furthermore, VisDoc detects which files have been updated since its last run, saving valuable time.

While VisDoc is a powerful tool for experienced Java developers, it may be complex for newcomers to the language. However, with its time-saving capabilities and comprehensive documentation generation, VisDoc is an essential resource for any serious Java developer.

Vergrößertes Bild für VisDoc
VisDoc 0/1

Technische Daten

VisDoc 3.0.5 für Mac
Mac OS X
Verfügbare Sprachen
Letztes Update
Visible Area

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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