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Redakteur Rezension · 30. September 2024

Screenium: Erfassen Sie alles auf Ihrem Bildschirm

Screenium is an application that allows you to record activity on your Mac's screen. Whether you're preparing screencasts or tutorials, Screenium provides a user-friendly experience for all users. With four different capture selections available - fixed area, full screen, mouse area, and single window - you have the flexibility to choose the recording option that suits your needs. Additionally, Screenium offers presets for image quality and file size, allowing you to customize your video output.

One of the standout features of Screenium is its ability to handle multi-channel audio recording, enabling you to add multiple sounds, music, and voice recordings to your video. The application also provides convenient keyboard shortcuts for basic recording operations. Another neat feature is the ability to add "hottext," which is a bubble of text that appears in your video.

While Screenium offers a streamlined interface that makes screen recording easy and quick, there are a few downsides. When recording with a selected area, the lack of borders and indications can be a bit disappointing. The sliders to adjust the area also feel a bit unintuitive. Additionally, the current Beta version of Screenium is buggy and not as stable as desired. However, future releases are expected to address these issues.

Overall, despite its minor flaws, Screenium is a friendly application that allows you to record any area of your screen. It is particularly suitable for beginners who want a simple tool for making video recordings quickly. With its range of capture options and audio recording capabilities, Screenium is a good alternative to other screen recording applications. We hope that future updates will further enhance the stability and performance of this software.

Vergrößertes Bild für Screenium
Screenium 0/1

Technische Daten

Screenium 3.3.6 für Mac
Mac OS X
Verfügbare Sprachen
  • Tschechisch
  • Englisch
  • Russisch
Letztes Update

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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