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Redakteur Rezension · 28. November 2023

Spaßiges und intuitives digitales Skizzenbuch für den persönlichen Gebrauch

Anyone who enjoys creating hand-drawn digital images will appreciate this application. It is now possible to create amazingly detailed artwork and to modify existing images in no time at all.

Paint Desk essentially represents a blank digital "canvas". Users can select from a variety of options such as colors and virtual brushes. This enables them to create entirely unique pieces of art. While there are a number of freehand tools, other options such as the ability to create polygons and to blur lines will add an extra sense of flexibility to any project. Much like in other platforms such as GIMP or Photoshop, there are possibilities to include text snippets within an image. There are no limits in regards to the number of layers which can be created.

There are several other features which can be accessed while using Paint Desk. These include (but are not limited to) flipping images, viewing past changes, adjusting the transparency of layers, and erasing certain portions within a photo. Please keep in mind that this application can be used to modify existing images.

Vergrößertes Bild für Paint Desk
Paint Desk 0/1

Technische Daten

Paint Desk 1.0.8 für Mac
Mac OS (68k/PPC)
Verfügbare Sprachen
Letztes Update
Xin Zhe LIU

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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