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Redakteur Rezension · 14. Mai 2024

Sci-fi Deckbuilder mit Roguelike-Elementen: LONESTAR

Embark on a galactic bounty hunting adventure in **LONESTAR**, a premium strategy game by Math Tide and Thermite Games. This sci-fi deckbuilder with roguelike elements challenges you to traverse the universe, battle diverse spaceships, customize your own ship, recruit unique characters, and unlock special abilities. Drawing inspiration from games like Darkest Dungeon and Slay the Spire, **LONESTAR** offers a distinctive sci-fi twist, presenting players with steep learning curves and challenging gameplay experiences.

In **LONESTAR**, players assume the role of a new member of the Bounty Hunter Association, starting with a basic spaceship that can be upgraded. With two base spaceship models to select from, each offering distinct gameplay mechanics, players can gather and deploy various pilots, each with unique progression paths and random talents to aid them. The game features visuals reminiscent of classic flash games, providing a quick overview of crucial game details and accompanied by enjoyable background tracks for an immersive experience. However, its challenging difficulty curve, reliance on randomness for pilots and talents, and the necessity to replay for unlocking new weapons may deter newcomers to the genre.

Vergrößertes Bild für LONESTAR

Technische Daten

LONESTAR varies-with-devices für Mac
  • Mac OS X
  • Mac OS Classic
  • Mac OS (68k/PPC)
  • Mac OS Carbon
Verfügbare Sprachen
  • Englisch
  • Chinesisch
Letztes Update
Math Tide

Auch verfügbar auf anderen Plattformen

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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