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Redakteur Rezension · 22. Juni 2017

iWinSoft CD/DVD Label Maker for Mac is a fast, easy to use, intuitive CD and DVD label app for Mac OS X lets you make great-looking Covers, jewel cases and labels for CD's and DVDs. with a great art gallery includes clip art images,background images and layouts you are able to create professional-looking labels with several clicks.

iWinSoft CD/DVD Label Maker for Mac is a feature rich, easy to use, powerful CD and DVD Label Software for Mac OS X.

Key Features include:

  • Custom Label Template Customizable Templates.
  • Design Toolkit Extensive Design Toolkit.
  • Import from iTunes iTunes Integration.
  • Seamless iPhoto Integration.
  • Supports numerous Printing types.
  • Custom Label Formats.
  • Built-in art gallery.
  • Import images & photos.
  • Direct CD/DVD Print.
  • Separated Background/Foreground Layers.
  • Multiline art text function.
  • DVD case templates Jewel case and DVD case templates.
  • Supports various disc sizes and shapes.
  • Insert custom artwork.
  • Advanced Text Layouts.
  • Set transparency.
  • Save's file types Save Layout.
  • Export formats.
  • Supports various image format.
  • Add barcode to label.
  • Print alignment calibration.

The app lets you make great-looking labels for CD's and DVDs labels, covers, jewel cases, case inserts and etc.

It comes with an art gallery including clip art images, background images and professionally designed templates, which you can use to create professional-looking labels with a few clicks.

Various objects, like text, bar-code, table, graphics, and images can be easily added to your documents.

Overall,iWinSoft CD/DVD Label Maker for Mac is a useful app for those who still create multiple CD and DVD content. The interface is easy to use, with some good features. This is the trial version of the app with some functionality removed.

Vergrößertes Bild für iWinSoft CD/DVD Label Mak…
iWinSoft CD/DVD Label Maker 0/1

Technische Daten

iWinSoft CD/DVD Label Maker 2.1 für Mac
Mac OS X
Verfügbare Sprachen
  • Deutsch
  • Englisch
  • Spanisch
  • Französisch
  • Italienisch
  • Japanisch
  • Polnisch
  • Chinesisch
Letztes Update
IWinSoft Inc

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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