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Redakteur Rezension · 26. Februar 2016

Helium is a floating browser window that allows you to watch media while you work. Your content will never fall behind your other windows even as you switch tasks.

The app supports a customizable translucency mode that allows you to simultaneously see your content and your work. It has some cool tricks too, such as it does not intercept mouse clicks when it is translucent; you can still click, drag, scroll, even flick behind your floating content. When you want to interact with the browser again, just click the icon in the dock and you're back in control.

Helium is useful for all kinds of multitasking, not just television and movies. Imagine keeping your favourite social media window above the rest while you collaborate, or watching tutorials and reading documentation while programming - the possibilities are endless.

Vergrößertes Bild für Helium
Helium 0/1

Technische Daten

Helium 2.0 für Mac
Mac OS X
Verfügbare Sprachen
  • Deutsch
  • Englisch
  • Spanisch
  • Französisch
  • Italienisch
  • Japanisch
  • Polnisch
  • Chinesisch
Letztes Update
Jaden Geller

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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