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Redakteur Rezension · 27. November 2023

Blockieren Sie Websites, die Sie verfolgen

DoNotTrackMe is a cross-browser extension that effectively blocks sites from tracking your online activities. This add-on is particularly useful for those concerned about targeted advertising and the amount of data that websites gather about them. Once installed, DoNotTrackMe reveals the extent of tracking you are subjected to and blocks more than 600 trackers. It is compatible with major browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer, and is constantly updated to stay ahead of the latest trackers.

One of the key benefits of DoNotTrackMe is its ability to provide detailed information about what is being blocked. A small green icon appears in your browser toolbar, indicating the number of tracking cookies that the current site is attempting to leave on your computer. Clicking on the icon reveals a drop-down menu with information about the tracking cookies, allowing you to have more control over what can track your activity. If there are any trackers that you don't want blocked, you can simply click on them and DoNotTrackMe will immediately allow them to track you.

Additionally, if you want more information about the companies that are tracking you, you can click on the block counts to see the names of these companies. Although there is a link to "Who are these companies?", it only provides a general description of why these companies track you. Another useful feature is the "All Time Block Counter" which keeps track of the total number of trackers blocked, which can easily reach thousands in just one day.

Overall, if you are concerned about targeted advertising and want more control over your online privacy, DoNotTrackMe is a powerful yet simple solution that can significantly enhance your browsing experience.

Vergrößertes Bild für DoNotTrackMe
DoNotTrackMe 0/1

Technische Daten

DoNotTrackMe für Mac
Mac OS X
Verfügbare Sprachen
Letztes Update

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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