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Redakteur Rezension · 19. Dezember 2024

Machen Sie Ihre Fotos mit nur zwei Klicks attraktiver

CameraBag is a great tool for quick photo effects - no complicated settings, no photo editing skills required. A photo and a few clicks on some of the eleven filters included in CameraBag is all you need!

Using CameraBag is really easy: simply drag and drop the image you want to edit on the program’s interface, and you’ll be ready to start working on it. Click on any of the eleven filters displayed in the bottom thumbnail menu and CameraBag will display the effect in real time. When you’re happy with the result, you can save the image.

But that’s not all: CameraBag lets you apply the same effect several times - by clicking the Reprocess button - which produces a different result every time. Also, you can combine multiple filters simultaneously, creating new custom filters you can save for later use. Last, but not least, CameraBag lets you download new filters from the program’s website.

CameraBag includes also tools to resize, crop, or add a border to your photo, though they are a bit limited - the cropping tool, for example, only includes presets and doesn’t let you define the area to be cropped manually. Other than that, it’s a great tool for quick, attractive photo effects.

If you’d like to make your photos a bit more special, try CameraBag and you won’t be disappointed.

Vergrößertes Bild für CameraBag
CameraBag 0/1

Technische Daten

CameraBag 2025.0 für Mac
Mac OS X
Verfügbare Sprachen
Letztes Update

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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