Adobe InDesign für Mac
- Von Adobe
- Testversion
- 2015
Technische Daten
- Titel
- Adobe InDesign 2015 für Mac
- Systemanforderungen
- Mac OS X
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Verfügbare Sprachen
- Dänisch
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Spanisch
- Finnisch
- Französisch
- Italienisch
- Niederländisch
- Norwegisch
- Portugiesisch
- Schwedisch
- Lizenz
- Testversion
- Letztes Update
- Autor
- Adobe
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Adobe InDesign für Mac
- Von Adobe
- Testversion
- 2015
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Anastasiy’s Extension Manager for Mac
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Adobe Premiere Pro CC
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Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Creative Cloud for Mac is a subscription service provided by image enhancement specialists, Adobe. The service gives you access to a huge collection of quality software, for use in a variety of different ways; from graphic design and video editing, through to web development, and photography. Adobe Creative Cloud for Mac includes all of Adobe's creative apps including Photoshop CC, and Illustrator CC, as well as a new range of mobile apps. A subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud also gives you access to over 55 million high quality, royalty free graphics, images and videos to work with from Adobe Stock. With Creative Cloud libraries, all of your content is available on all your supported devices, wherever and whenever you need them. Key Features include: 29 Creative Cloud desktop apps. 10 Creative Cloud mobile apps. Video Tutorials. Cloud Storage. Fonts from the Typekit font service. Adobe CreativeSync. Adobe’s Creative apps can be accessed from your Mac, PC smartphone and tablet. With all the different apps available to work with, you would think that keeping on top of the latest innovations would be hard work, right? Not with Adobe Creative Cloud’s extensive tutorial library. With it, you have access to all kinds of helpful documents and videos that can help you enhance your creative skills across a variety of different topics. With Behance, you also have access to Adobe’s creative community to share your ideas and gain even further knowledge. With Adobe Creative Cloud’s monthly or annual subscription, you are able to download and install Adobe’s software on your local machine and use it freely for the length of time that the subscription is valid for. Any updates for the software can be downloaded and applied without further charges. If multiple languages are required, then they can also be downloaded as part of the subscription service without incurring any extra charges. Overall, Adobe Creative Cloud for Mac is a world class suite of creative apps that are available across a variety of desktop and mobile devices. Adobe provides a Creative Cloud plan for everyone. So whether you are a graphic designer, a filmmaker, a student, a business owner, an artist, or a photographer Adobe has got you covered.
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