The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom für Windows
- Von Niantic, Inc.
- Zahlung
- varies-with-devices
Redakteur Rezension · 14. Mai 2024
Technische Daten
- Titel
- The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom varies-with-devices für Windows
- Systemanforderungen
- Windows 10
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 11
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Verfügbare Sprachen
- Niederländisch
- Englisch
- Französisch
- Deutsch
- Italienisch
- Spanisch
- Koreanisch
- Japanisch
- Russisch
- Chinesisch
- Lizenz
- Zahlung
- Letztes Update
- Autor
- Niantic, Inc.
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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom für Windows
- Von Niantic, Inc.
- Zahlung
- varies-with-devices
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Paint.NET is free image and photo manipulation application for the Windows platform. Every feature of Paint.NET, including the user interface, was designed to be immediately intuitive and easy to learn without assistance. Key Features Include: Special effects tools include: blurring, sharpening, red-eye removal, distortion, noise and embossing. 3D Rotate/Zoom effects make it very easy to add perspective and tilting. Image manipulation tools include: brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, curves, and levels. You can also convert an image to black and white, or sepia. In order to navigate multiple images easily, Paint.NET uses a tabbed document interface. The tabs display a live thumbnail of the image instead of a text description. Paint.NET uses a layers system to form the basis for rich image composition. Layers are likened to a stack of transparency slides that, when viewed together at the same time, form an image.
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Synapse The Legend VST
Das innovative Programm von Synapse Audio Manager, The Legend VST, behauptet, ein "Neuland" in der analogen Modellierungstechnologie zu erschließen. Es läuft unter Windows und lädt zukünftige Benutzer ein, die Magie" des analogen Klangs durch eine Vielzahl von Funktionen zu spüren. Der Legend VST wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit den Bigtone Studios, einem Spezialisten für Vintage-Synthesizer, entwickelt. Das Programm wurde daher so gestaltet, dass es sich an einen der renommiertesten analogen Vintage-Synths anlehnt. Aber es geht noch weiter, dank einer Fülle von spannenden Ergänzungen, die Flexibilität und Freude bereiten. Zu den wichtigsten Merkmalen gehören: Beispiellose Präzision. Vektorisierter Kern mit Unison-, Mono- und vierstimmigen Polyphonie-Modi. Zwei Revisionen wurden modelliert, die frühe und die späte. Genaue Schaltkreis-Simulation. 8-fach überabgetasteter Motor. 480 Patches eingeschlossen. Die Schöpfer von The Legend VST haben sich bemüht, eine Genauigkeit zu schaffen, wie sie in einer Software dieser Art noch nie gesehen wurde. Dies ist dank der Feinabstimmung aller Komponenten gelungen, von den spannungsgesteuerten Oszillatoren (VCO) über den spannungsgesteuerten Verstärker (VCA) bis hin zum spannungsgesteuerten Filter (VCF). Laut Synapse Audio Manager sind die "wichtigsten Ergänzungen" die Modi Unison und Polyphonic, die sowohl polyphones Spiel als auch dicke Stereoklänge ermöglichen. Es ist auch in der Lage, vier Stimmen zu synthetisieren, was nur wenig mehr als eine kostet. Daher kann The Legend als ein hocheffizientes Analog-Modeling-Synthesizer-Plug-in beschrieben werden. In der Zwischenzeit unterstützt das hintere Bedienfeld den Benutzer dabei, zwischen zwei modellierten Revisionen, nämlich der frühen und der späten, zu wechseln. Es sind auch zusätzliche Optionen zur Feinabstimmung und Anpassung des fertigen Produkts verfügbar. Insgesamt bietet The Legend VST eine breite Palette von Funktionen, um das Beste aus dem analogen Klang herauszuholen. Außerdem enthält es 480 von führenden Sounddesignern erstellte Patches, die in Kategorien wie Lead, SFX, Bass usw. sortiert sind. Sie erfordert eine 2 GHz Quad-Core-CPU oder besser, mindestens 4 GB Speicher und VST2- oder AU-kompatible Host-Software.
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With Nitro Pro you can open, review, covert and create PDF files. It also comes with stacks of features that make Nitro Pro one of the better PDF applications out there. You can comment, review, and collaborate all your work. It lets you fill and save PDF forms, and extract text and images. Nitro Pro also has support for QuickSign, to electronically sign and return your documents in seconds. Key features include: Create universally compatible PDFs: Generate 100% industry-standard PDF and PDF/A files compatible with Adobe Acrobat. Convert PDF files with ease: Convert PDF files into Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint files, or create PDFs directly from Office. Edit PDFs: Manipulate text, change fonts, customize layouts and more. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) lets you turn scanned documents and images into searchable and editable PDF files. Review PDFs with collaborators: markup and revision tools that ensure accurate version control. Sign PDFs with security: Sign and certify documents while keeping your work secure, which means your confidential information remains private. Integrate PDFs with cloud: With Nitro Cloud's eSignature and workflow management, you can reduce document turnaround time. Overall, Nitro Pro contains all the tools that you will require for working with PDF documents. It comes with an in-built conversion tool, advanced reviewing tools, the ability to create new PDF documents, advanced security features and even OCR. That being said, the application is not very configurable and although it does have an excellent selection of features and a good help section, the lack of these options lets Nitro Pro down somewhat.
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.descbannerbtn { font-family: Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; background: linear-gradient(#fc8f32 0,#e26a0c 100%)!important; border: solid 1px #be5b0c; color: #fff;text-align: center;font-size: 14px;float:right; display:block;width:141px;height:30px;letter-spacing: 1px; font-weight: 600 !important;font-size: 12px;} .descbannercontainer{padding-right:50px;padding-left:100px;background-color: rgb(243, 245, 249);width:660px;height:57px;padding-top:14px} .descbannerlink{font-size:16px !important;font-family: Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif !important;display:inline-block;float:left;padding-top:3px;font-weight: 600;} CyberLink Storewide offer - Save up to 40% As far as consumer level movie design, editing and production goes, there are only a few high quality apps available on the market that fall into the ‘reasonable’ price range. PowerDirector, from CyberLink, has long been a contender for the top spot, with cutting-edge image technology, coupled with a great interface and an abundance of smart editing tools. The app is very easy to use, with a shallow learning curve. It doesn’t matter if you are a novice or semi-pro videographer, PowerDirector has a stack of tools and features that will keep you busy editing your home movies and creating professional looking media, with a huge selection of customizable design tools, including unique alpha transitions, animated titles, particles and PiP objects. Key Features include: Easy to use. Total 360º video editing. Leading edge formats & performance. Unique design tools. True to life color enhancement. Ultimate video editing. Vertical Video. TrueVelocity 6 rendering engine. Customizable design tools. Mask designer. PiP designer. Title designer. Motion tracking. Theme designer. MultiCam designer. High frame rate video editor. PowerDirector lets you be as creative as you like, and it affords you the opportunity to produce high quality media with an array of standard and customizable editing tools. Overall, PowerDirector is a powerful video editing suite, which has a solid rendering engine that provides high-end performance and advanced editing features. The elegant design and intuitive interface make working with rich, vibrant video media a joy!
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With Nitro PDF Reader you can create PDF files from over 300 different formats. The application has numerous features. You can comment, review, and collaborate all your work. It lets you fill and save PDF forms, extract text and images. Nitro PDF Reader also has support for QuickSign, to electronically sign and return your documents in a matter of seconds. Nitro PDF Reader has an intuitive user interface with Microsoft Office-style Ribbon frame. The application has a good range of powerful features, which exceed those found in a standard PDF reader. Key features include: Image and text extraction support. Print to PDF. Drag and Drop support. Full-featured PDF creation. Create from over 300 formats. Slick user interface. Nitro PDF Reader has lots of good features, such as annotation tools, image and text extractors and a PDF conversion tool. Overall, Nitro PDF Reader is a great application that covers all the bases in the PDF field. You can create PDFs from nearly any Windows application. You can also convert any printable files to PDF from source, or within Nitro PDF Reader, and it comes with a virtual print driver, which lets you print directly from your favorite applications.
UltraISO is an ISO/CD/DVD image file creating tool, which also allows you edit and convert ISO/CD/DVD image files. UltraISO also has a bootable CD/DVD function, so that you can directly edit CD/DVD image files. With UltraISO you can open image files, directly extract files and folders and edit and convert other image files to the standard ISO format. Key features: Duplicate disc to CD/DVD images. Build files/folders to one ISO file. Edit and convert ISO files in many formats. Make bootable CD/DVDs. Create/edit Audio CD Image. Overall, the app is easy to use with a standard interface, but it lacks some of the more polished features of other ISO editors that are available. That being said, it supports almost all image file formats and can convert them to the ISO standard. The app also integrates in the Windows shell to enable easy 'right click' access to the app's main functions.
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