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Redakteur Rezension · 20. Juni 2018

SoftTweak MDaemon Converter is a useful tool for converting MDaemon email data to an array of more commonly used email-related formats. It is simple to install and uses a straightforward, 3-step process to convert all your MDaemon data.

SoftTweak MDaemon Converter is an all-in-one email data converter suitable for personal users and technicians. It is lightweight and user-friendly, and allows you to conveniently convert all your MDaemon data including contacts, tasks, mailboxes, journals, events, calendars and notes.

Key features include:

  • Convert all MDaemon data.
  • Archie and backup messages.
  • Migrate multiple files at once.
  • Simple 3-step process.
  • 100% data accuracy.
  • Supports multiple file formats.

SoftTweak MDaemon Converter provides 100% data accuracy, and keeps all the formatting of your email data after the conversion. You can rename files to suit you, with 10 different file naming options. It doesn't even require MDaemon to be installed on your PC, you can view all the data through SoftTweak MDaemon Converter and transfer your files conveniently.

With SoftTweak MDaemon Converter, you can easily archive and create backups of your MDaemon data in case of virus attack, Windows OS crash, or unintentionally deleting files or folders. It also allows you to transfer your data to another email client or server. Though MDaemon itself includes a converter for Microsoft Outlook, Office 365 and Exchange, SoftTweak MDaemon Converter gives you more flexibility, supporting more email clients including Mozilla Thunderbird, The Bat!, Apple Mail, DreamMail, Entourage, Windows Live Mail, and more.

Overall, SoftTweak MDaemon Converter is a comprehensive, straightforward solution for converting your MDaemon email data to an array of email-related formats. It provides 100% data accuraccy and transfers all your MDaemon email data to your chosen file types. Try it for yourself and download SoftTweak MDaemon Converter today.

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Vergrößertes Bild für SoftTweak MDaemon Convert…
SoftTweak MDaemon Converter 0/1

Technische Daten

SoftTweak MDaemon Converter 4.5 für Windows
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows 2003
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 98
Verfügbare Sprachen
  • Deutsch
  • Englisch
  • Spanisch
  • Französisch
  • Italienisch
  • Japanisch
  • Polnisch
  • Chinesisch
Letztes Update
SoftTweak Inc

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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