Processing für Windows
- Von Processing Team
- Kostenlos
- 4.0.1
Technische Daten
- Titel
- Processing 4.0.1 für Windows
- Systemanforderungen
- Windows XP
- Windows 8
- Windows Vista
- Windows 10
- Windows 7
- Sprache
- Deutsch
- Verfügbare Sprachen
- Chinesisch
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Spanisch
- Französisch
- Italienisch
- Japanisch
- Polnisch
- Lizenz
- Kostenlos
- Letztes Update
- Autor
- Processing Team
- SHA-1
- Dateiname
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Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen
Processing für Windows
- Von Processing Team
- Kostenlos
- 4.0.1
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DVDFab 64-bit
DVDFab 64-bit is a DVD/Blu-ray/video processing application. The application allows you to copy any DVD/Blu-ray disc to a computer HDD and then burn it to blank media, or convert it to a variety of video files to be played on either a computer, portable devices or other compatible display. DVDFab 64-bit is an integrated shareware package that includes DVDFab DVD Copy, DVDFab DVD Ripper, DVDFab Blu-ray Copy, DVDFab Blu-ray Ripper, DVDFab Blu-ray to DVD Converter, DVDFab Blu-ray 3D Ripper, DVDFab 2D to 3D Converter, DVDFab Video Converter, DVD Creator, Blu-ray Creator, and DVDFab File Transfer. KEY FEATURES INCLUDE: Copy any DVD/Blu-ray disc to HDD as DVD/Blu-ray ISO image file or standard DVD/Blu-ray folder. Burn any DVD/Blu-ray disc, ISO image file and standard DVD/Blu-ray folder to blank media, full disc or main movie only. Split/Customize Split/Customize one DVD 9 disc to two blank DVD 5 discs. Merge more than one DVD discs into one DVD9/5 disc. Convert 3D Blu-ray disc to 3D video files like AVI/MP4/MKV and more and convert 3D Blu-ray disc to2D Blu-ray or to SBS 3D Blu-ray.. Clone identical DVD/Blu-ray disc. System requirements: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32/64 bit)
Breite Palette von Funktionen
DVDFab 10 64-bit is a DVD/Blu-ray/video processing application. The application allows you to copy any DVD/Blu-ray disc to a computer HDD and then burn it to blank media, or convert it to a variety of video files to be played on either a computer, portable devices or other compatible display. DVDFab 10 64-bit is an integrated shareware package that includes DVDFab DVD Copy, DVDFab DVD Ripper, DVDFab Blu-ray Copy, DVDFab Blu-ray Ripper, DVDFab Blu-ray to DVD Converter, DVDFab Blu-ray 3D Ripper, DVDFab 2D to 3D Converter, DVDFab Video Converter, DVD Creator, Blu-ray Creator, and DVDFab File Transfer. KEY FEATURES INCLUDE: Copy any DVD/Blu-ray disc to HDD as DVD/Blu-ray ISO image file or standard DVD/Blu-ray folder. Burn any DVD/Blu-ray disc, ISO image file and standard DVD/Blu-ray folder to blank media, full disc or main movie only. Split/Customize Split/Customize one DVD 9 disc to two blank DVD 5 discs. Merge more than one DVD discs into one DVD9/5 disc. Convert 3D Blu-ray disc to 3D video files like AVI/MP4/MKV and more and convert 3D Blu-ray disc to2D Blu-ray or to SBS 3D Blu-ray.. Clone identical DVD/Blu-ray disc. System requirements: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32/64 bit)
AbiWord is a free word processing program similar to Microsoft® Word. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks. Multi Platform Enjoy your favorite Word Processor on the operating system you like to use - be it Windows, Linux, QNX, FreeBSD or Solaris. Interoperability AbiWord is able to read and write all industry standard document types, such as documents, Microsoft Word documents, WordPerfect documents, Rich Text Format documents, HTML web pages and many more. Advanced Document Layout Give your document that professional, scientific or fun-to-read look using AbiWord's advanced document layout options. Use tables, bullets, lists, images, footnotes, endnotes and styles to enhance the way your document looks. Internationalization AbiWord comes in many different languages. AbiWord is available in most common and many not-so-common languages. Dictionaries exist for over 30 languages.
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Adobe Audition
The Adobe Audition CC has been warmly welcomed by music developers since its 2018 launch and is being described as a practical program which boasts an array of features. Designed primarily to not only create songs but also to enhance recordings and craft professional mixes, it certainly lives up to its promises. You can now perfect your audio content through an easy-to-use audio workbench. Turning a humdrum or normal tune into a musical masterpiece is the main objective of this piece of kit. Adobe really do put the user first and you can tell they have spent a lot of time on their friendly interface. Key features include: Create songs and improve recording. User-friendly interface. Develop mixes. Trusted brand. Multitrack processing features. Operating on Windows, the program requires 4GB of RAM and 1GB of free Hard Disk Space. An Intel Multi Processor (or later) is also needed. In calling for users to “create, mix and design sound effects with the industry’s best digital audio editing software”, Adobe refer to their recent product as “a professional audio workstation”. Overall, the latest release of Audition is a very impressive one indeed. The comprehensive toolset includes multitrack, waveform and spectral displays for creating, editing, mixing and restoring audio content. Designed to accelerate audio production, the powerful program promises to deliver a “polished mix with pristine sound”.
Internet Explorer Vista
Der IE9 ist so konzipiert, dass er ein immersiveres, schöneres Web-Erlebnis ermöglicht. Die neue Version des IE nutzt die Leistungsfähigkeit moderner Windows-PC-Hardware, um die Leistung beim Web-Browsing rundum zu verbessern. Es ist der einzige Browser mit hardwarebeschleunigtem HTML5, der alle Grafiken, Texte, Audio- und Videodateien umfasst. IE9 nutzt die Leistung der Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) und schaltet 90 Prozent der Leistung des PCs frei, die zuvor von Web-Browsern nicht genutzt wurde. Ohne Hardwarebeschleunigung verbrauchen Browser nur etwa 10% der Rechenleistung Ihres PCs. Der IE9 schaltet die anderen 90% frei. Der IE9 kann über Windows an Ihren Grafikprozessor angeschlossen werden, um das volle Potenzial Ihres PCs auszuschöpfen. Hochauflösende Videos sind flüssig, die Grafiken sind klarer und reaktionsschneller, die Farben sind echter und die Websites interaktiver. In Kombination mit einer neuen JavaScript-Engine verhält sich das Web jetzt wie eine direkt auf Ihrem Computer installierte Anwendung. Der IE9 verfügt über eine vereinfachte, aber verbesserte Schnittstelle, um den Schwerpunkt auf Websites zu legen. Die Adressleiste und die Suchleiste wurden in der One Box zusammengefasst. Die Tabs stapeln sich ganz oben und der gesamte Rahmen ist deutlich schlanker, wodurch Sie mehr Platz für die Betrachtung der Inhalte haben. IE9 hat HTML5-Unterstützung, damit Entwickler dasselbe Markup schreiben können. Dank der umfassenden Unterstützung für HTML5, SVG, Geolocation, CSS3 und DOM haben Entwickler mit IE9 eine Reihe neuer Möglichkeiten. Dies ist der Download für Windows Vista (32-Bit).
Silent Hill 2: Enhanced Edition
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Sothink Free Video Converter
Sothink Free Video Converter is a lightweight application that allows you to convert rich video and audio formats with high definition at fast speed. Key features include: HD Support : Convert high-definition videos and any other formats, like HD MP4, HD AVI, MOV, MKV, M2TS, M2T, MTS. Full media formats: Convert AVI, MP4, FLV, ASF, WMV, MKV, MOV, MPEG, H.264, RM, 3GP, M2TS, MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG, WAV, YouTube, CD/VCD/SVCD/DVD. HTML5 video converter: Convert videos to HTML5 video formats (OGG, MP4, WebM). Video editing: Trim video clips, edit video codecs, dimension, zoom, bit rate, frame rate, sample rate, channel, video/audio quality. Instant preview support. Multiple device support:Apple iPad/iPod/iPhone, Sony PSP, Zune, MP4 players, Android, BlackBerry, Nokia, HTC, Xbox. Overall, Sothink Free Video Converter is an easy to use application that has a crisp and uncluttered user interface; 5 drop down menu's and the file management pane is where all the action takes place. Unfortunately, most of the encoding options are reserved for the full version. Apart from those issues, it is a very intuitive application with a good looking interface coupled with some cool features such as photo extraction from video and batch processing to help you plow your way through your media collection.
System Information
Gtopala Kollektion
Virtual Serial Port Driver
Virtual Serial Port Driver is a simple application that allows you to create virtual COM port pairs. Virtual serial ports created in Virtual Serial Port Driver behave as if they were real ports, so applications can communicate with each other and transfer data via virtual null-modem cable. Virtual serial ports created in Virtual Serial Port Driver also support all serial port settings, strict baud-rate emulation, HandFlow control and signal lines. Key features include: Create any number of virtual COM ports. Complete real ports settings emulation. Manage all signal lines. Virtual Serial Port Driver has a user-friendly interface that allows you to quickly create serial ports with any name you need (you are not limited to COMx names). Overall, the application provides you with lots of ways of personalizing serial ports and you can control them directly from your own application using the vspdctl.dll. It ensures a reliable data transmission speed and enables you to test or debug any software or application you need in order to locate any bugs in your code.
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