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Redakteur Rezension · 13. August 2021

Notepad3 is a revamp of the standard, vanilla offering Windows Notepad that comes with Microsoft’s operating system. Notepad3 is a fast and lightweight Scintilla-based text editor with syntax highlighting capability. Although it has a small footprint, it is powerful enough to handle most programming jobs thrown at it.

Key Features include:

  • Code folding.
  • Bracket matching.
  • Automatic indentation.
  • Word auto-completion.
  • Convert character encoding between various formats (ASCII, UTF-8, and UTF-16).
  • Newline format conversion (between DOS (CR/LF).
  • Unix (LF), and Macintosh (CR) formats), multiple undo or redo, bookmarks, and regular expression-based find and replace.

Notepad3 also supports many programming languages including syntax highlighting support for ASP, assembly language, AutoHotkey, AutoIt3, AviSynth, Bash, BAT, C, C++, C#, CMake, CoffeeScript, Common Gateway Interface (CGI), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), DIFF, HTML, INF, INI, Inno Setup, Java, JavaScript, LaTeX, Lua, Markdown, NSIS, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, REG, Ruby, SQL, Tcl, Visual Basic (VB), VBScript, VHDL scripts, XHTML, XML, YAML and improved support for NFO ANSI art.

Vergrößertes Bild für Notepad3
Notepad3 0/1

Technische Daten

Notepad3 5.20.722.1 für Windows
Windows 8.1
Verfügbare Sprachen
Letztes Update
Derick Payne

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


Wir haben noch keine Changelog-Information von der Version 5.20.722.1 von Notepad3. Manche Entwickler teilen diese Information etwas später. Schauen Sie bitte in ein paar Tagen noch einmal vorbei.

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