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Redakteur Rezension · 2. Februar 2021

Windows ISO Downloader is a brilliant tool that lets you download ISO image files for a number of different versions and builds of Microsoft Windows or Microsoft Office.

If you need to perform a clean install of your operating system, Windows ISO Downloader can save you time and effort, in hunting down an unmodified disk image.

As Windows ISO Downloader is a portable app, no installation is required. Simply download and run the app, either from your hard drive or from a USB flash drive. The app does not alter any Windows registry files, or generate any additional files or folders on your PC without your permission.

Windows ISO Downloader has a simple user interface that is easy to navigate. The main window shows you a list of Windows and Microsoft Office versions to choose from. After selecting your preferred OS, simply choose an edition and a language from the drop-down menu and confirm your selection. Windows ISO Downloader then lets you choose between downloading the image file or copying its link to your clipboard.

Overall, Windows ISO Downloader is a handy tool that let you retrieve unmodified ISO image files for Windows OS or Microsoft Office in a few clicks. It requires no configuration and is lightweight and easy to naviagate.

*Note .NET Framework and Internet Explorer are both required.

Vergrößertes Bild für Microsoft Windows and Off…
Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool 0/3

Technische Daten

Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool 8.46 für Windows
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10
Verfügbare Sprachen
Letztes Update
Jan Krohn

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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