
Sicherheits-Symbol in Form eines SchildsSafe Downloader

Der Safe Downloader lädt die App schnell und sicher über den Highspeed-Server von FileHippo herunter, sodass eine vertrauenswürdige Herkunft gewährleistet ist.
Neben Virenscans prüfen unsere Redakteure jeden Download manuell für Sie.

Vorteile des Safe Downloader

  • Der Malware-Schutz informiert Sie, wenn Ihr Download zusätzliche unerwünschte Software installiert hat.
  • Zusätzliche Software entdecken: Testen Sie neue Software, die im Downloader darauf wartet, entdeckt zu werden.
  • Bei uns haben Sie die Wahl, zusätzliche Softwareinstallationen zu akzeptieren oder zu überspringen.

Redakteur Rezension · 9. September 2022

FlixGrab is the new FreeGrabApp Team app that replaces NetFlix Free Grab. This unique and powerful app has been designed for downloading entire NetFlix serials, TV shows, documentaries, movies, music using the fastest multistream FreeGrabApp application engine. With it you can download and watch any NetFlix video offline on any device without spending internet traffic, and without disrupting NetFlix limitations!

Key Features include:

  • Support downloading HD NetFlix video! FlixGrab allows you to choose the original quality video from Low Quality (240p) up to High Definition (HD - 1080p or 720p)!
  • Support downloading Dolby Digital Surround Audio 5.1!
  • Support fast multi-stream downloading!
  • FlixGrab is able to download multiple videos at the same time!
  • Automatic selection of the optimal voice quality and language!
  • Loading lists from a file!
  • Managing the download priority!
  • You can easily stop and resume the downloading process, choose video's original language and much more!
  • Easy to use! Just copy any NetFlix video URL, paste it, click the 'Download' button, wait for a little and enjoy!.

The publishers of FlixGrab state they highly respect the copyright terms, but at the same time, consider unacceptable any limitations by copying already purchased or free video content for personal use, which is established by Netflix and other video services. So, using the app is legal only for personal needs and without rights of sharing the material to third parties.

Vergrößertes Bild für FlixGrab
FlixGrab 0/3

Technische Daten

FlixGrab für Windows
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8
  • Windows NT
Verfügbare Sprachen
Letztes Update

Programm verfügbar in anderen Sprachen


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