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Redakteur Rezension · 5. April 2023

Disk Drill, the famous Mac data recovery app, is now available for Windows. Disk Drill is a free professional-grade file recovery software, that values the importance of your data by implementing several safe recovery methods and enabling unique Recovery Vault technology that helps keeping your data secure.

As long as your hard drive is not physically damaged, then Disk Drill will make sure you can easily recover files of all formats from NTFS, FAT, HFS/HFS+, EXT2/EXT3/EXT4 or even formatted, damaged or deleted partitions. Disk Drill's multiple recovery algorithms include Quick and Deep Scans, Universal Partition Search, and undeletion of protected data. Recovery process is simple, its progress can be paused, saved and loaded when it's convenient to you.

Disk Drill works by reading and recovering from any media that can be mounted into your Windows PC: internal or external hard drives, memory cards, cameras, USB flash drives, Kindles and even some iPods. Once scanning is complete, you are presented with a tree-like list of recoverable items that includes found files and folders and reconstructed files. Disk Drill can easily rebuild hundreds of various file types: documents, pictures, archives, videos and more.

So whether you have accidentally deleted data, emptied your Recycle Bin, suffered the effects of a virus attack, have a lost or inaccessible partition, experienced power failure or boot record corruption, you can be confident that Disk Drill will make the necessary recoveries. It also comes with the following easy-to-use extra features:

  • Backup image creation
  • Data protection
  • Bad sectors management

All of these features, combined with a polished user-friendly interface, mean that Disk Drill is a great choice if you are looking for an effective data recovery tool.

Vergrößertes Bild für Disk Drill For Windows
Disk Drill For Windows 0/2

Technische Daten

Disk Drill For Windows 5.1.808 für Windows
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
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